Course curriculum

    1. Life Sciences Fellowship - Content Stream

    2. Building Content


    2. Venture Backbone + Preferred Suppliers

    3. Biodesign

    4. CIMIT - Guidance and Impact Tracking System (GAITS )

    5. More Links We Love

    1. Readiness Courses

    1. Pitch Ready - Readiness Checklist

    2. Pitch Ready - Resources

    3. Pitch Ready - Action

    4. Key Chapter Takeaways

    1. Startup Governance I - Readiness Checklist

    2. Startup Governance I - Resources

    3. Startup Governance I - Action

    4. Key Chapter Takeaways

    1. Data Room Ready - Readiness Checklist

    2. Data Room Ready - Resources

    3. Data Room Ready - Action

    4. Key Chapter Takeaways

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content